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Return to New Parish Book Cover!

Things are moving along, and progress is being made! Our graphic artist is awesome! Ana Grigoriu-Voicu has once again created a masterpiece!

Return to New Parish is definitely getting ready to tell a whole new story next month. Until then, here’s something to think about…



Return to New Parish book blurb:

Hannah has questions…

She knows her sister Sarah had many of the same questions. Hannah’s biggest questions are – Would the same answers Sarah found work for her? Is happily ever after really possible? And – Will the answers Sarah found also fix the bad thing that happened?

Hannah’s search for her best life leads her on a journey that includes real cowboys, horses, and digging deep for the courage to overcome the insecurities and paralyzing fear that has infused itself into her soul…

The fresh start Hannah’s seeking in New Parish is impeded when she arrives and finds that her fears have come along with her. She begins to wonder if, maybe, she’s permanently damaged…

New Parish and Brigham Tea Magazine available on

New Parish on

Also available at:

Bee’s Grocery (in Centennial Park)

Coming soon to many new bookstores!

Brigham Tea Magazine:

New Author Bio

Here’s the new author bio coming out in my next book, Return to New Parish! I think it gives a little more insight into me, hope you enjoy…

Author Bio ~

Julie Worthington is a quirky, adventurous, tenacious, determined, earnest, enthusiastic person. She writes stories about people who are looking for their happily ever afters, with a bit of adventure, some trouble, and a lot of humor along the way. Julie is always the optimist, looking for the beautiful, the wonder, and the hilarious in life.

Ever the Treky, a close friend once told her, if Spock and Worf had a baby it would be her… she took this to mean that she’s logically passionate about most things in life – it could have meant more, but we’ll go with that.

Julie is from a small town in Georgia, where she grew up learning about southern culture, history, respect for others, and good manners. She now lives in a small community in Arizona, where she has been learning about the western experience, western history, and all things cowboy.

Julie loves history, not so much the wars or other conflicts, but the way people lived and what they did in different times in history. She’s always asking questions like – Why did they do that? Why did they go there? and What was it like when that happened?

As a writer Julie infuses her fiction with real life experiences, places, histories, and cultures. She gets to know each character like a fascinating new friend who inspires her stories and her imagination to new heights. She’s always looking for something unique, different, even mysterious or esoterical to add flavor to her stories.

Learn more about Julie, and her writing adventures, on her blog – or follow her on Facebook –  or on Twitter – @JulesLW


I’m so excited to share Return to New Parish with everyone! Release date coming soon! Book cover release coming soon!

Until then you can always visit New Parish with the first book, New Parish, or check out Brigham Tea Magazine.

New Parish on

Also available at:

Bee’s Grocery (in Centennial Park)

Coming soon to many new bookstores!

Brigham Tea Magazine:  

Hannah’s on her way…

I know I’ve been silent for a while now, but that doesn’t mean I’ve been unbusy. I’ve been working hard on getting Return to New Parish ready for an August launch. It’s getting close and I’m very excited to share the next New Parish story with everyone!

Until then you can always check out Sarah’s story in the first New Parish book – or Brigham Tea Magazine where you’ll find a short story that gives updates on what Sarah’s up to after the first New Parish book ended… hint, hint, A Day in the Life of a Sister Wife.


New Parish on

Also available at:

Bee’s Grocery (in Centennial Park)

Coming soon to many new bookstores!

Brigham Tea Magazine:  

Little sister Hannah…

I’d like to introduce you to Hannah, if you’ve read my book New Parish, you’ve already met Sarah her older sister. Hannah is the epitome of the sassy Southern girl. Oh, she is respectful and kind, but she has a fiery temper that flares up every now and then. Hannah loves horses she’s ridden horses since she was 9, and used to love watching old cowboy movies with Sarah when there were kids.

Now she’s going to live in a place where there are real cowboys, lots of horses, and maybe something wonderful for her… if she can get over the bad thing that happened…

You can find out all about Hannah, her sassy ways, and the bad thing that happened, in Return to New Parish. Return to New Parish will be out this summer, more details soon!

Until then you can always get acquainted with her sister Sarah in my book New Parish available now on Brigham Tea Magazine is also available now in digital form on (Links below)


Excerpt from Return to New Parish:

Chapter 2 – Cowboys and Horses

            “The rest of her road trip was peaceful and full of anticipation to see Sarah and her family. She was no longer plagued by the pain of her past. She felt at peace, although she knew the Nathaniel thing was simmering just under the surface, she was determined to cling onto the peace, even if it was temporary.

            As she neared the small community Hannah saw some men and a small boy riding horses across the prairie next to the main road. She also saw that they had a purpose, they were moving a herd of about thirty cows away from the road. One man, an older cowboy, who seemed to be in charge was sitting on his horse, a large impressive palomino, and pointing while the other men were gathering the cows in the direction he wanted them to go in. The sage cowboy made Hannah think of Sam Elliot, whom she had loved in several westerns.

            The boy stayed near the cowboy in charge until the old truck in front of Hannah made a huge bang! It was a very loud backfire, Hannah jumped and shouted, “Dang!” She looked back to the scene she’d been watching to see the boy’s beautiful blond palomino suddenly dart toward the fence opposite the road she was traveling on. The old cowboy was suddenly on the move, his horse quickly caught up with the one the boy was on. He grabbed the reins of the other horse slowing, then stopping the horse. After steadying the boy on his saddle, he patted him on the back reassuringly.

            Hannah smiled, “I’m gonna like it here.” A right turn took her into the community, a few more turns and a couple of miles later and she was pulling up in front of Sarah’s home. It looked like the pictures Sarah had sent her, beautiful gardens surrounding the huge rock face house. She saw the barn, across the drive from the house, and longed to just go out there for a bit. She sighed and decided that saying hello to her sister would be more appropriate, so she got out of her car and stretched. Then she walked up the short walkway to the front door.”

New Parish:

New Parish on

Also available at:

Bee’s Grocery (in Centennial Park)

Changing Hands Bookstores in Phoenix and Tempe AZ

Coming soon to many new bookstores!

Brigham Tea Magazine:  


Brigham Tea Magazine!

Brigham Tea Magazine is finally available in digital form on! (Print copies are not available yet).

It’ll be free this weekend! May 4-5th only. The Brigham Tea Magazine website is still in the works and will offer lots more (soon), but till then you can enjoy the magazine on

Inside the magazine you’ll find some old and new western history, culture, places, and a short story (fiction) that gives a peek into Sarah’s life in New Parish. So if you want to know what she’s been up to while you’re waiting for Return to New Parish, here’s your chance to find out.

Get your digital copy here:  


Did you ever wonder what would happen…

So many times in life we make choices or have them thrust upon us, but have you ever wondered what might have happened if things had been a little different, or we’d made a different choice?

One of my favorite movies is, “You’ve Got Mail.” Perfect actors, almost perfectly written, an absolutely wonderful story. A story that makes us wonder what things could have been like if in our own lives if we’d made a different choice or had a different circumstance…

Quote from You’ve Got Mail:

“Joe Fox:

You know, sometimes I wonder…

Kathleen Kelly:


Joe Fox:

Well… if I hadn’t been “Fox Books” and you hadn’t been “The Shop Around the Corner,” and you and I had just met…

Kathleen Kelly:

I know.

Joe Fox:

Yeah, yeah. I would’ve asked for your number. And I wouldn’t have been able to wait 24 hours before calling you up and saying, Hey, how about… oh, how about some coffee, or drinks, or dinner, or a movie… for as long as we both shall live?”

He wondered, she wondered, and things eventually became wonderful. In my book New Parish, Sarah wonders about things a lot, so does Max… but something happened to intervene in the possibility of a relationship between them. Find out if they can go from wondering to wonderful like Joe and Kathleen did.

New Parish by Julie Worthington on

Also available at:

Bee’s Grocery (in Centennial Park)

Changing Hands Bookstores in Phoenix and Tempe AZ

Coming soon to many new bookstores!

A Box of Chocolates

Forest Gump made the old saying, “Life is like a box of chocolates,” famous. I agree that life is that way, but I also think people are like a box of chocolates too. I’ve long been a people watcher, maybe all writers are, anyways, I’ve discovered so many variations of chocolate that it’s blown my mind at times. When I’m working on developing a character for my books, New Parish, I often reflect on that wide variety of chocolate I’ve discovered over the years. In the first book, New Parish, the main character, Sarah, is a well educated, independent, young single woman who wants not be so single. Her character grows in depth as she discovers just how much she really wants to be a mother, and what she’s willing to explore to obtain her goal. Sarah of course is surrounded by many other characters who are also growing and discovering more about themselves as they journey to, and through New Parish. My characters are a box full of chocolates, each with many layers, just like us real people. I hope you enjoy getting to know each of them, as you journey to and through New Parish… Excerpt from New Parish: Chapter 1 – Bad Date “When the files had sent properly and she’d received confirmation from her supervisor, her mind went back to the conversation with Mary… “Why am I doing this?” she questioned herself. She could tell from Mary’s expressions, it had sounded out there. “But still, according to Mary, there were people living that way, and they were happy. Were they really happy or was it pretense? Could I be happy in that type of marriage? What if I couldn’t get along with the other wives? What if they wanted to boss me around? What if they were so jealous that they couldn’t do anything other than be mean?” The questions kept coming, and running over and over in her mind for the rest of the day. The fears, doubts, and worries from her research into this lifestyle were mounting to an incredible height. The distraction of the questions lasted all through her night of restless sleep, which caused really odd dreams where women were chasing her with broomsticks and iron skillets.” New Parish is out now! Return to New Parish will be out in a few months!!! You can get a copy of New Parish here: New Parish by Julie Worthington on Also available at: Bee’s Grocery (in Centennial Park) Changing Hands Bookstores in Phoenix and Tempe AZ Coming soon to many new bookstores!



If you say the word grits, everyone knows its going to be about something southern, whether it’s about eating them, or kissing them. There are so many rich, amusing, and wonderful things about the southern culture till one’s mind does ponder them often. I think of those hot summer days of childhood, filled with outside adventures, watermelon, and friends. I can remember waking up to the smell of bacon cooking, country music playing on the radio, and family chattering away about the plans of the day…

In thinking about those good ol’ southern things, I like to focus on the positives, maybe that’s another southern thing, anyways, my thoughts this morning have been on the southern things that have been strong influences in my life.

Music – This was mostly country, I later added some variety to my listening like Dean Martin, The Beach Boys, Bing Crosby, and even some Bach. Very eclectic, yes, but I think the south is very eclectic.

Food – Grits of course, but good down home southern cooking also included many other foods such as fried chicken, hamburgers, salmon patties, and whatever vegetables you grew in the garden (or found at the market) that year.

Manners – We were taught respect for others from infancy, so it almost seemed that everyone knew how you were supposed to deport yourself in whatever situation you were in. Rudeness was never tolerated, the old saying, if you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all, was the expected norm.

Friendly – Upon meeting new people one was expected to smile, shake hands (firmly), and be friendly. Upon meeting people you already knew, whether you liked them or not, you were expected to do the same.

Hospitality – Southern hospitality, is or should be one of the most famous things about the south. When company comes, they are always greeted warmly. Whether they are friends or family they are invited in and offered food and beverage. A southern home when and where I grew up was always a very welcoming place.

With all this in mind how could I not make my main characters from the south? I also love the western culture, so being me, I had to have the two cultures collide. You’ll find these collisions often in my book New Parish, and soon, Return to New Parish.


Excerpt from New Parish:

Chapter 3 – New Parish

“Michael!” shouted a lady’s voice from across the park.

            They all looked as a herd of cows came into view at the edge of the park. The cows progressed toward the party with speed and destruction.

            “Head’em off! Head’em off!” Brother Michael shouted as he recruited several of the men at the party to help direct the cows away from the party.

            Sarah was quite impressed at the cowboy aptitude of Brother Michael and the other men present. They were able to drive most of the cows toward the entrance of the park and contain them there, but there were three cows that would not cooperate with Brother Michael’s agenda, they were still stubbornly rampaging through the park. Then Sarah saw something she had to do a double take to realize was really happening. It was so surreal, a man on a horse came quickly and proficiently riding into the park after the cows and was expertly gathering them up. The man looked every bit like a cowboy right out of a western movie and immediately made Sarah think of Tom Selleck sitting on his horse, he was tall and tan, with dark hair and mustache with a three or four day showing of whiskers on his face. His hair was a little long and shaggy for this community, where every guy she’d met was sporting short very controlled hair. He was wearing a dingy grey cowboy hat, faded blue button up shirt, a blue paisley bandanna, jeans covered with shotgun chaps, and worn cowboy boots and gloves.

            Sarah had been so mesmerized by the cowboy and what he was doing that she stood there in a stunned daze… she didn’t see the cow coming toward the table she was standing near.        Brother Michael shouted to the cowboy, “What’s going on here Max?”

            The man on the horse shouted back, “I had a few heifers break down a fence and get out, sometime last night. I didn’t know it till this mornin and was rounding ‘em up when some stray dog started yippin at ‘em and they got ahead of me.”

            Brother Michael smiled and said, “Max I’d like to introduce you to, Sarah, from Georgia.”

            Max pulled on the reins of his horse and stopped a few feet away, he smiled and drawled, “Howdy, ma’am.”

            Sarah was completely captivated by this cowboy, she thought his smile was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen, his deep blue eyes sparkled – she felt like her head was filled with something sweet and gooey which was slowing her thought processes down. Her brain was stuck on, “Oh my gosh, he’s so gorgeous…”

            Before she could reply to the cowboy’s greeting she heard someone shout, “NO!” The next sound she heard was a dog barking… This inspired the cow that was getting near her to jump, and run, bumping into the table and with a sort of bounce, trip, and run action. It landed on the table with a bang collapsing the legs of the table. At the same time of the table collision the cow bumped into Sarah knocking her to the ground as it ran off toward the playground. That wouldn’t have been so bad, but what happened next made Sarah think of a sitcom situation on a TV show, because this sort of thing doesn’t happen in real life… not in her life.

            Sitting on the ground where the cow had knocked her, Sarah saw the table legs fold under as the table hit the ground with a thud from the weight of the cow and very large metal container that held the hot chocolate – it instantly poured out all over the ground where she was sitting. But Sarah’s main focus was on the punch bowl that had been catapulted into the air from the other end of the table, it was coming right at her with all the red punch it held. The step ladder that had been placed underneath the table for support had worked as a fulcrum to create the catapult for the punch bowl.

            Sarah’s mental faculties returned to her in time for her to put her hands up to prevent the large plastic punch bowl from hitting her head… she was drenched in red punch and the hot chocolate had soaked into the skirt of her dress along with turning her shoes a new color of brown. She felt as though everything had been turned off for a few seconds or slowed to a slow motion state and now it was all back on in vivid living color. She was completely soaked through with hot chocolate on the bottom of her and red punch from her head down to her feet. She was shivering from the cold, and becoming more and more angry, and humiliated, by the second. Sarah couldn’t comprehend what, why, or how something like this could happen. She thought, “Of course, Max the cowboy had taken off after the cow incident without a word of apology.” Sarah was processing this, she’d been so awe struck with his stunningly irresistible, beguiling, captivating appearance, but now she could see him for what he was, “Just another macho, self centered, inconsiderate, blockhead of a man who only thought of himself and what he wanted… Just like so many other ignoramuses that have strolled through my life over the years,” she thought as Mary brought a blanket and wrapped it around her.”


New Parish is out now! Return to New Parish will be out in a few months!!! You can get a copy of New Parish here:

New Parish by Julie Worthington on

Also available at:

Bee’s Grocery (in Centennial Park)

Changing Hands Bookstores in Phoenix and Tempe AZ

Coming soon to many new bookstores!