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BabyI just finished Chapter 3 in my next book, although it’s a sequel it has a completely different feel than New Parish. Maybe it’s because of the new main character and her history… she is Sarah’s (main character from New Parish) little sister, she has a fiery temper, long curly auburn hair…. wait, I can’t tell you too much yet but her story is much different than her sister’s….

Writing Again


It’s like finding an old friend that I haven’t seen in a long time. I didn’t realize just how much I missed writing until a while ago. I’ve been working so hard on finishing my masters program, (still not finished) that I had not taken time to do the one thing I really love doing. I must remember to not get so caught up in “things” and forget this very important part of my world. Edits are coming along for Farquhar’s Family Secret: Fairy Notes Book 1 Part 2 and hopefully in another month it will be available. I have started book 2 for Fairy Notes and I’m also working on another book that is entirely different. I do love to write…

I will never give up!

There’s a word for a writer who never gives up… published. And there’s a word for a published writer who never gives up… successful. That writer can be you. See you on the road. ~ Joe Knorath

I have been submitting to agents and working hard on my books I will not give up 🙂